In March, throughout the Baltic countries Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, Reaton is holding a series of events "Reaton presentation of the trending products - 2022 ".
We are organizing these presentations in response to the wishes of our customers and adapting to the situation in the industry.
Each of us has felt the impact of the Coved pandemic on the HoReCa. We are working in this industry for almost 30 years. All this time our team has been observing the changes in the market very closely.
Today we can say that after all the distress HoReCa industry is slowly but surely recovering. We are pleased that our partners are opening their doors to visitors, expanding their activities and becoming more active.
Although we cannot organize the traditional Reaton Professional Days this year, we keep in mind the needs and wishes of our clients.
The new season is approaching, when terraces and outdoor cafes will open. There is a necessity for the new menus. Reaton is proud to have a profound portfolio with more than 5,000 SKU.
During off-site presentations, we introduce our new and well-known product range, where price, quality and today's requirements ensure the best results for our clients. These products are easy and quick to use in any kitchen, as well as adaptable to changing habits of the consumers.
When every detail matters, the cost of food has a significant impact on the company's operations and development. The products included in the presentation will help create a quality menu while ensuring that it does not exceed the profit share of total costs.
We value and promote high-quality cooperation between industry professionals.
That is why we are meeting in March in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Together we can do more!