Today, referring to the requests of our customers and adapting to the situation in the industry, we are introducing Reaton's new product line - Basic line.
The products of this line will be highly appreciated by those who are attracted by profitable purchasing. With the "Basic line", price, quality and today's requirements ensure the best result in your kitchen. Listed products will not require strategic planning and are easily adaptable to the changes in your customer’s habits.
Reaton's Food Department began operations in 1993. During this time, we have listened to the thoughts and suggestions of our customers. Together we have grown and changed, creating the culture of the culinary industry in the Baltics.
We, a company that has been a stable player in the industry for more than 25 years, have watched the market moving and have changed with it. Reaton’s range is very wide, offering more than 4,500 products.
With this, we are pleased that a well-known Reaton range is now complemented by the Basic line.
To make it easier to select these products on the online platform, we have created a separate search engine in the product filter.